Friday, May 06, 2005

Licensed To Tax

With the new legislation I told you about recently potentially shutting out unlicensed tax preparers, it will be more important than ever for today's taxpreparers to get a credentialed.

(You should see the really nasty letters I got after writing about it - as if _I_ had written the legistlation. Puhleeeze!)

But that means there's a scramble to take the IRS's Enrolled Agent Exam this fall. Studying is going to be harder than ever because, this year, for the first time, there is no cushion. If youdon't pass all 4 exams, you don't get to keep the parts you do pass.

Interestingly enough, this is one of the very fewprofessional credentials you can get that don't require a college degree. And while I don't see a minimum age requirement, no doubt you need to beat least 18 to sit for the exam.

But, beyond that, if you can pass it - you're in business. And talk about the ultimate home-based business!

With today's computers and high-speed hook-ups,and electronic filing, and the wide range of cheap to expensive software available - you can make one heck of a 6-figure living, from your living room or college dorm room.

Oh, did it just occur to you that this might be a great way to work your way through college?
No kidding - it beats waiting table or delivering pizza.

So, if you've been doing bookkeeping, or tax returns or been studying tax or accounting, this could be your ticket.

Today is the last day to save $100 on the registration price. So, take the skills survey after you review what the class offers...and get an invitation with the secret link to your $100 savings.

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