Friday, January 28, 2005

Tsunami Relief and the Red Cross

Last weekend, I went to the Castaic Community AwardsBanquet, where my friend, Tax Angel, Rita Veen, EA was being re-installed as a director of the Chamber of Commerce.

Mike Antonovich, the Supervisor of the LA CountyBoard of Supervisors spoke to us, in the course of installing the officers and honoring some of thespecial people in the community. He talked about the damage caused by the recent storms in California. We all know that many people's homes were severlydamaged. Many dozens of families camped out in a community center and a church for days. And they now need housing and transitional help until they can get back into their homes or replace them.

What disturbed me about Antonovich's comments is his statement that the Red Cross refused to provide anyhelp or support whatsoever. Despite the fact that many people in this community have always helped theRed Cross, with money and blood, when they needed help, the Red Cross turned their back on the community.

This isn't the first time I've heard this. This is now the third time, that in a state of emergency, I have learned that the Red Cross refused aid. My husband told me that Red Cross did this in his community many years ago. They didn't exactly refuse aid - the Red Cross CHARGED the victims for all the supplies and help! Talk about appalling!

A journalist I spoke to this week confirm this behavior. He said that when he was in the military, the Red Cross brought donuts to the troops - then charged them for the donuts!

In Castaic, the churches helped out and raised money and found homes for these people. In Chico, years ago, the same thing had to happen.

It seems that the Red Cross doesn't really behave likea charity, at least not in this country. They charge for their CPR books and courses, the blood they provide, the supplies and aid they give...sounds more like a business to me. And folks, I donate funds to a business that masquerades as a charity.

So, if you're wondering why I've removed the Red CrossTsunami contribution link...that's why.
However, any contributions you DO make before the end of this month can still be deducted on your 2004 taxreturn. So if you need to cut your taxes for last year and want to help people...please contribute NOW.

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